
Finding the Strength for Motherhood

Macaroni Kid Reviews Fit4Mom's Body Back Program

By Angeline Sheridan June 12, 2014
I’m 35 years old, and I weigh 111 pounds. I like to think that running around trying to keep up with a 5 and 2 year old has helped me get down to my pre-baby body. I actually weigh less now than when I did before I was pregnant with my first child. Most people would think, “Wow! That’s great!” But the truth is, my body has never been the same since I entered motherhood. 

Before I had kids, I made an effort to wake up before I went to work to exercise at least 3 times a week. I ate regular meals, and I ate what I wanted. I had boundless energy.

Fast forward 5 years and 2 kids later. I’m lucky if I can hit the gym once a week. I always had an excuse not to go: I’m too tired. The kids went to bed late. The kids are up early. I need to prepare dinner. It’s raining. It’s snowing. It’s too nice outside. I need to work on Macaroni Kid. I don’t have anyone to watch the kids. The list goes on. 

For meals, I would grab what’s available in between taking care of the kids’ needs. Or, when I have a minute to myself, I would raid the fridge or pantry. I usually went to bed exhausted, and I would wake up most mornings still feeling tired. Sound familiar?

My family and Macaroni Kid have taken up so much of my waking hours that there is little room for me to tune into my thoughts and my body. I knew something had to change in my life, but I wasn’t sure what to do, until Danielle Phillips, owner of Fit4Mom of Northern NJ approached me about reviewing its Body Back Program.

Initially, the excuses flooded my brain. It’s too early in the morning. I’d rather be sleeping. It’s in Ridgewood (20 minutes away), and my husband needs to leave by 7am to get to work on time. I’m already signed up at a gym. I don’t need to lose weight. 

But as I thought about it more and more, I realized the Body Back Program was just what I needed to make a lifestyle change: I would have MY time to focus on my body and my health. Just me. No kids, no husband, no computer, no phone to distract me. In addition to two outdoor workouts a week, I would get workout DVDs to do at home, a food journal, and recipes for healthy meals. I also would get inspiration and encouragement from my fitness coach. With full support from my husband, I jumped into it.

I have to admit that the first 3 weeks were ROUGH. Waking up at 5am in the morning was actually the easy part. Making it through each 60-minute workout without passing out was a challenge. I never realized how much motherhood had changed my body, and how out of shape I was until now. It took a while to turn off my brain, which would say I couldn’t do it, and tune into my body and push through. I discovered muscles I never knew I had.

It is week 5 of 8 of the Body Back Program, and each workout still kicks my butt. While the other moms in my group have already lost 3-7 pounds, I’ve lost only a pound and a half. But I can already see a difference that numbers on a scale can’t show. My waistline is slimmer. My tummy is flatter. My arms are more toned. My clothes fit better. And the true test for change? My husband has noticed (and moms, you know hubbies never notice anything!!)

The Body Back Program with Fit4Mom of Northern NJ has truly helped me find the strength for motherhood. It has allowed me to tune into myself and my body, which is so important given the busy lives we all lead. I have come to look forward to waking up to a quiet, peaceful house. The outdoor workouts at the Ridgewood Duck Pond invigorate me so I can tackle the rest of the day. I can keep up with my kids at the playground without feeling winded. I’m making smarter choices about what I eat and how much I eat. Because I feel healthier, I am more mentally and physically equipped to take care of my family now and in the future.

If you’ve been struggling to find the right balance between your health and motherhood, I would highly recommend Fit4Mom’s Body Back Program. It is a small investment for richer rewards in years to come. And it will transform your life, just like it did mine.

The author was compensated in the form of a complementary Body Back session in exchange for this review. All opinions are solely that of the author.