
Vote for the Northern Valley Greenway Project

April 18, 2017

The Northern Valley Greenway Project, a multi-town effort to convert eight miles of unused railroad tracks running through Northvale, Norwood, Closter, Demarest, Cresskill and Tenafly, is a contender for seed funding through "A Community Thrives", a USA Today Network project. The new greenway would connect town parks and nature centers into an inter-connected linear park. Amenities like seating, dog parks and sculpture gardens to enhance the tract are also planned.

The affected Northern Valley towns have all passed resolutions supporting the Northern Valley Greenway Project in recent months. CSX, which owns the rail line, has expressed interest in selling this unused portion of the Northern Branch line. Several local organizations including the Rotary Clubs of Cresskill/Demarest, Northern Valley and Tenafly, Sierra Club North Jersey Group, The Land Conservancy of NJ, the NJ Bike & Walk Coalition, the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference, local Nature Centers, and local businesses are also supportive of the initiative.

The Project is currently seeking seed money to support feasibility studies, grant writing efforts, environmental evaluation, land appraisal, lawyers, landscape architects, engineers, and other specialists required to move the project forward quickly. 

To vote for the Northern Valley Greenway Project, click HERE or visit and search for "Northern Valley Greenway" under the "Vote Now" tab.