
An Open Letter to the Self Doubting Mom

May 10, 2024

Dear Self-Doubting Mom,

I hope this letter finds you in a moment where you need reassurance the most. I want to take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate you—for your hard work, tireless dedication and unwavering strength that you demonstrate on a daily basis.  

No one ever said being a mom is easy but in today’s world it is even more difficult.  The demands on us as mothers are at an all time high.  We work to help provide for our families, ensure that there are solid meals on the table daily, we endure the hustle and bustle of shuttling our children to and from all of the activities they are involved in and worry constantly about whether or not we are doing a good job.  As moms we continuously put our own needs and wants on the back burner to ensure that the needs of our family are met.  And I am here to tell you that all of your effort and hard work do not go unnoticed!

If you are anything like me then I know that you have days, even weeks where you feel like you are bearing the weight of the world on your shoulders and practicing a precarious juggling act where at any moment all of the pieces can come crashing down.  You may want to cry and give up and doubt if you can manage it any longer, but I want you to remember at that very moment just how incredible you are.  You are a strong mama and what you do is seen, appreciated and recognized and I promise in the end it will all be worth it.  

As a fellow mom I empathize with every exasperated sigh, tear that falls from your eyes, and every sleepless night.  As a fellow mom I also want to remind you that although it may seem like a monumental challenge it is important that we take care of ourselves.  As a fellow mom it is ok to ignore the sink filled with dishes one night so you can take a bath and go to sleep.  It is ok to pursue your own passions and dreams, it is ok to leave the kids with family or a sitter to go get that massage or mani/pedi and it is ok to just lock yourself in the bedroom to just BREATHE.  We have earned those moments and we deserve them.  

The job of being a mother is never done, however I want you to know that you are never alone on this journey.  We see you.  We appreciate you.  And we empathize with you.  Lean on all of the other amazing, hard working mama’s out there for support and know that together we can conquer anything.  

As a fellow hard working mom I want to express my deepest gratitude for all that you do. Your resilience, strength and patience are an inspiration to us all. And do not ever forget that the world is a better place because of you!

With admiration and appreciation,
